Art Mag

"Grady’s ever-changing artworks, although playful, reflect her serious-minded enquiry into geometry in contemporary art and architecture"
June 2, 2022

David White for Art Mag recommends Fiona Grady's solo exhibition Capturing Light at Foundry Gallery, London:


London-based artist Fiona Grady creates site-responsive drawings on walls, windows and floors, using sequences of dispersing geometric shapes at repeating intervals, which expand in proportion or direction in a direct relationship between art and architecture, installation, and decoration, often using traditional media in a modern context, complementing this with print works on paper. The effect is the Gallery space becomes transformed in light and colour. The Foundry Gallery was established in 2010 to explore the relationships between art and architecture, as part of Le Lay Architects' research into architectural engagement - Grady's ever-changing artworks, although playful, reflect her serious-minded enquiry into geometry in contemporary art and architecture.