Elephant Magazine

"I have a bit of an obsession with drawing tools, in particular rulers and compasses, so I’ve amassed a large collection of them over the years."
November 28, 2017

Fiona Grady spoke to Elephant for their weekly Toolbox feature. They ask artists to describe the one item that they couldn't do without. Fiona Grady discusses the bespoke tools she has made to help her install work"


I have a bit of an obsession with drawing tools, in particular rulers and compasses, so I've amassed a large collection of them over the years. The focus of my practice is systematic drawing; it manifests as site-responsive installations on walls, windows and floors. The artworks use sequences of dispersing geometric shapes, that are composed from spatial systems or repeating intervals. I install the work by hand using rulers, set squares, string and masking tape. My work is exacting but doesn't tend to follow the standard intervals of metric measurements, therefore I often adapt the instruments to suit my needs.